Sublimation of Sexual Energy

Sublimation of Sexual Energy

According to yogic science, semen exists in a subtle form throughout the body. It is withdrawn and elaborated into a gross form in sexual organ under the influence of an electromagnetic (Bioelectric) energy. It is called Kamasakti. Sublimation of sexual energy does not mean flowing the semen from seminal vesicles to the brain. There is no any duct of vessel through which semen could flow upwards towards the brain. Sublimation means diversion of bioelectric energy from sexual organs to central nervous system. This energy is converted into Ojas. Semen remains in the same place.

When a man looks at a woman clad in fashionable dress, or he thinks of the body of a woman, this Kamasakti flows downwards and activates the genital organs. It is this energy that is used up in the process of ejaculation of semen. So this is the actual loss of vital energy. The Yogi penetrates into the subtle hidden nature of things through inner vision. The allopathic doctors and biologists do not understand the inner Yogic secrets and mysteries. Therefore, doctors often fail to cure some serious incurable diseases. But Yogis can cure the same merely by casting a look or through his Yogic powers.

If you may not become a Yogi who has achieved complete sublimation through Self-realisation, it would be helpful to learn and practice the following techniques of conservation of seminal energy.

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