Some memorable statements

Some memorable statements

"And those students who find that world of God through chastity and there is that heavenly country; theirs in whatever world they are. is freedom"..

- Chhandogya Upanisad

"A wise man should avoid married life as if it were a burning pit of live coals. From the contact comes sensation, from sensation thirst, from thirst clinging, by ceasing from that, the soul is delivered from all sinful existence."

- Lord Buddha

"These sexual propensities, though they are at first like ripple, acquire the proportions of a sea on account of a bad company. Whenever the mental image of a woman crops up in your mind with evil thoughts, repeat mentally "Om Durgaa Devyai Namah " and do mental prostrations."

- Swami Vivananda

"Know that in this world there is nothing that cannot be attained by one who remains from birth to death a perfect celibate ..... In one person, knowledge of the four Vedas, and in another, perfect celibacy- of these, the latter is superior to the former who is wanting in celibacy."

- The Mahabharat

"All men and youngmen in particular, can experience the immediate benefit of chastity. The memory is quiet and tenacious, the brain lively and fertile, the will energetic, the whole character gains a strength of which libertines have no conception, no prism show us our surroundings under such heavenly colours as that of chastity, which lights up with its rays the least objects in the universe and transports us into the purest joys of an abiding happiness that shows neither shadow neither decline. "

- Prof. Montagaza

"This seed (semen) is marrow to your bones, food to your brains, oil to your joints and sweetness to your breath and if you are a man, you should never loose a drop of it, until you are fully thirty years of age and then only for the purpose of having a child which shall be blessed by heaven and really one of the inmates of the kingdom of heaven by being born again."

- Dr. Molvil Keith M.D.

Chastity no more injures the body and the soul, self-discipline is better than any other line of conduct.

- Sir James Pagen

"It is a singularly false notion... the notion of imaginary dangers in absolute continence. Virginity is a physical, moral and intellectual safeguard to youngmen. "

- Dr. E. Perier

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