Miracles of preserving seminal energy

Miracles of preserving seminal energy

Semen is the vital energy, which supports your life. Each and every sperm is capable of producing a human being (if given a chance to fertilize). The great spiritual masters like Acharya Shankara, Saint Kabir, Guru Nanak, the great warriors, the ingenious scientists and fascinating writers were born through seminal energy. Even in the future all geniuses will be born through seminal energy. One who does not conserve his seminal energy, and wastes it for momentary sensual pleasures paves his way towards self- destruction.

वीयं वै भर्गः | (शतपथ ब्राह्मण )

"Semen is brightness, strength and (Self) Atma." -(Satapath brahman).

Semen is such a vital sublimating force for uplifting the life. Following are the examples of those who wasted it and incurred the great irreparable loss:

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